by ldepippo | Jun 16, 2023 | Integrated Capital, living systems investing, sustainable investing
I was reading the recent blog by Matt Stoller about Illumina and the recent CEO resignation. Matt writes about monopolies in considerable detail. “Last Sunday, Francis deSouza resigned from his position as the CEO of Illumina, which is one of the most important...
by ldepippo | Nov 23, 2022 | Integrated Capital, living systems investing, sustainable investing
From Lynn Marie DePippo: I thought it would be helpful to give an overview of Pythia Capital and what we are building. I view our services more as experiential offerings, helping to bring together fringe entrepreneurs, investors and other aligned people in a platform...
by ldepippo | Aug 16, 2022 | High Impact Investing, Integrated Capital, living systems investing, sustainable investing
Summary of Pythia Capital’s Living Systems Investment Framework: Our investment framework’s core foundation is based on the 12 permaculture principles, which are regenerative agriculture and sustainable living principles. We use permaculture principles as the...
by ldepippo | May 10, 2022 | complex adaptive systems, High Impact Investing, Integrated Capital, living systems investing, sustainable investing
How There’s More to Economics Than the Science of Scarcity The title of the article linked above is “How There’s More to Economics Than the Science of Scarcity/Economic life as experienced was increasingly pushed out of view to make the chosen methods work.” This is...
by ldepippo | Apr 27, 2022 | complex adaptive systems, Integrated Capital, living systems investing, sustainable investing
I have received a number of questions from people on why I am so infatuated with permaculture as my model for how to regenerate capitalism. Many people are waking up to the limitations of our current winner/take all model for capitalism and also to the limits of...
by ldepippo | Dec 21, 2020 | collective intellgence, complex adaptive systems, Inclusive Innovation, Integrated Capital, sustainable investing
I have always been drawn to creative, entrepreneurial people. These days, the word entrepreneur is very associated with investing, “scaling-up” your vision, and making lots of money. Somehow we have reduced the word “entrepreneur” to a...